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craft beer subscription package



february 2023

Sours are red.
These ones are new.
We hope you enjoy
this Valentine’s brew.

Do you have plans for Valentine’s Day? We wanted to invite you to our non-chalant Valentine’s Day at Nonsuch where is welcome. We’ll be featuring new menu items from our kitchen alongside two new sour beers.

This nonchalant evening is perfect for singles, couples, and groups of up to eight – bring everyone you love!



Prickly Pear Gose
Blackberry and Plum Sour
Flanders Red
Festi Broue
Belgian Blonde
Prairie Common
Raspberry sour


prickly pear gose

Our new-world rendition of this salty ale features strawberry and watermelon flavours and is generously dry-hopped with Eldorado hops.

Enjoy at 6ºC with a watermelon, mint, and feta salad.


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blackberry and plum sour

This smooth, malty sour amber ale is infused with blackberry and plum which deliver familiar fruity flavours.

Enjoy at 6ºC with barbeque chicken, fruit salad, or waffles with syrup.


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festi broue

Our easy-drinking Helles lager collaboration with Festival du Voyageur


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Belgian blonde

A fresh batch of our Belgian beer for everyone.

  • ABV – 7%
    Temp – 7-9ºC
    Glass – Sommelier
    Vegan – Yes

    As our flagship, our Belgian Blonde is designed to capture the spirit of the Belgian brewing tradition and be enjoyed by everyone. Complex enough to be savoured and accessible enough to be shared.


    If you haven’t already, find your favourite stemmed, tapered glass and seat yourself somewhere comfortable. We personally enjoy pairing this beer with a small group of loved ones under big, golden prairie skies. Pour this medium-bodied ale with confidence then pause as the aromas gather at the rim. Adorned with a pearly head, this beer pours a deep golden colour and is ready when the glass has a mild sweat – somewhere between 7-9ºC is ideal. At 7% ABV, our Belgian Blonde opens with stone fruit and nutty aromas on the nose followed by sweet malt, apricot, and grain flavours on the palette before resolving into a dry finish. We hope you enjoy. Santé!


    Oysters, Caesar Salad


    Although the Belgian brewing tradition dates back to the middle ages, this style of beer is a recent development less than 100 years old. The Belgian Blonde was the response of Belgian brewers to the widespread popularity of lager which swept through much of Europe at the turn of the 18th century. It was designed to appeal to European lager and pilsner drinkers while retaining Belgian complexity.


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prairie common

A smooth, clean, award-winning taste of home.

  • ABV – 5.4%
    Ideal Temp
    – 6-8ºC 
    – Sommelier
    – Yes

    Our Story
    How do you honour the place that anchors you as often as it moves you? What does it mean to love home? For us, it means drawing inspiration from its natural beauty, harvesting authentic local ingredients, and crafting them into a taste of home. Prairie Common is proudly brewed with Two-row, Crystal, and Munich malts from the prairies as wellas Chinook and Nugget hops from local producer Prairie Mountain Hops. Prairie Common isn’t one of our ‘latest’ releases, but it certainly is one of our greatest – we hope you enjoy this fresh batch.

    This amber-coloured lager opens with toast, caramel, and pine aromas on the nose. Enjoy a harmonious, balanced blend of bready, malty notes and hop flavours with a smooth, bitter finish.

    Food Pairing
    Burgers, beef pies, pub food.

    At the heart of our mission is an ambition to make Manitoba proud, so we were honoured in 2021 when Prairie Common was awarded the silver medal in the Amber Lager category at the Canadian Brewing Awards.


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raspberry sour

A familiar fruited sour with oat flakes for a creamy mouthfeel.


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